
Introducing “Engineering Industry News” – Your Ultimate Monthly Digital Magazine for the World of Engineering! 

We are absolutely thrilled to share this exciting news with you! After the resounding success of our Industry Virtual Exhibition (Industry Expo), and to complement our digital marketing opportunities it is with immense pleasure that we present to you “Engineering Industry News” your go-to resource to inform the ever-evolving world of engineering!

Associated digital expo

We have seen through our data capture software that every engineer’s journey to be informed and kept up to date is different. That’s why “Engineering Industry News” will cater to a diverse range of specialties and interests within the engineering domain. Whether it be automation systems, components & equipment, design, energy efficiency, integration, logistics & warehousing, maintenance, materials handling, processes & production, safety, and training. Each month EIN will deliver valuable and engaging content to its readers.

Engineering Industry News will launch with the most up-to-date database of engineers, derived from our Industry Expo visitors who typically are OEMs, Integrators, and end users across the many manufacturing and service industries.

Circulation of 30,000+ recipients and this figure will continue to increase over the coming months as we add new readers. 

Engineering Industry News is the new digital magazine dedicated to all things industrial, from design and engineering to processing and manufacturing.

All content published in EIN includes analytical reports to evaluate your performance empowering you to make data-driven decisions based on the traffic evidence and analytics that we share with you following your involvement.

The Team

Nigel Borrell



Tim Johnston

Sales & Marketing


Russel Goldsmith

Design & Production
