Manufacturing PMI UK

Engineering Industry News

“July’s manufacturing output figures are compounded by news from earlier this week that the UK has dropped out of top ten manufacturing economies for the first time, underscoring the urgent need for the sector to embrace automation. This should be setting alarm bells ringing for the UK government if we want to maintain our manufacturing prowess on a global scale. While the manufacturing sector accounts for £217 billion of the UK’s output and provides about 2.6 million jobs, our downfall is the lack of a sufficient industrial strategy that supports the long-term aims to get the industry back on its feet.

Mark Gray, UK & Ireland Country Manager, Universal Robots, comments-

“In what is an increasingly challenging manufacturing environment, with geopolitical tensions, supply chain disruptions, and fluctuating raw material costs, maintaining stability is a significant concern. At a time of unprecedented economic complexity within the industry, automation is a critical way for the industry to transform and increase confidence in home-grown manufacturing.

“While the positive trends in July are a step in the right direction, sustained growth will require embracing technological advancements to foster innovation and growth. By integrating advanced technologies such as AI and advanced robotics, manufacturers can streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance productivity. Collaborative robot (cobot) innovations not only help in mitigating the impact of skills gaps by working alongside humans, but improve precision and efficiency in production processes.

“Automation will be key for manufacturers looking to keep up with future demand by increasing agility and addressing the ongoing labour shortage. But to see real transformation and support economic recovery, the UK needs to refocus businesses in the supply chain to realise growth opportunities with technology. We need this investment to pave the way towards more skilled, higher-paid jobs, while building competitive industries that will last.

“Adopting automation also allows manufacturers to better adapt to market demands and shifts, ensuring a more resilient supply chain. This can lead to faster turnaround times, higher quality products, and increased competitiveness on a global scale. As the industry navigates these turbulent times, investing in automation presents a strategic opportunity to not just recover but thrive in a rapidly evolving economic landscape.”