JVL Industri Elektronik A/S, the Danish motion controls designer and manufacturer, has recently added a new range of ‘captive rod’ actuators to its MIL series electric linear actuators. Available with full UK support from Mclennan, the MIL17x/23x captive ball screw actuators are an all-in-one linear positioning solution based on JVL’s NEMA-17 and -23 frame ServoStep™ integrated motors, offering linear speeds to 125 mm/sec, stroke lengths from 12.7 to 127 mm, thrust force to 2200N, and linear accuracy to 0.05mm. Featuring rolled ball screw mechanics and a non-rotating guide rod in an enclosed support housing – or as external nut versions without a support housing for low axial loads – the actuators are built-into the integrated motor in a seamless, coupling free design and thus offer a compact linear positioning solution complete with precision motor, feedback encoder, drive electronics as well as motion and machine control electronics with optional CAN bus or Ethernet communications. A wide choice of lead screw/rolled ball screw pitches as well as optional precision ball screws are available in addition to the control configuration.

The complete MIL linear actuator series covers NEMA 17, 23 and 34 frame ServoStep™ integrated motors with reinforced linear bearing mechanics for higher axial loads as well as bearing-free, external nut versions for applications with small radial loads. The flexibility built into the MIL series covers rolled ball screws or lead screw mechanics with plastic nuts in a choice of pitches and accuracy grades with optional provision for brakes, IP65/67 protection and more. Through the range, there is also the possibility for custom variants with stroke length to order and higher positioning accuracy with precision-grade ball screws.
JVL’s ServoStep integrated stepper motors combine a microstepping motor and drive with motion controls. On the drive side, closed-loop operation is achieved using an integral feedback encoder resulting in higher torque, faster acceleration, stall free operation and quieter performance over traditional open loop stepper motor systems. Integrated motors deliver advantages through reduced wiring and also offer much better electrical noise protection against traditional cabinet mounted drives where long cable runs can cause problems between controller and drive/motor. Each ServoStep includes a built-in RS485 communications port and programmable ePLC™ with an optional CANopen interface. Each module has eight individually configurable I/O points for digital inputs/outputs or as analogue inputs assignable as local/remote I/Os for a central PLC, or for machine control with the ePLC™ in standalone applications. A wide choice of optional Ethernet protocols include Profinet, EtherNet/IP, SERCOS, EtherCAT, Powerlink or Modbus TCP/UDP. A variant can include an Ethernet switch where each protocol is built into the controller and is selectable by simply changing the firmware, which is free of charge. Other options include absolute multiturn encoders and STO (safe torque off, SIL3).
Mclennan’s UK distribution partnership with JVL stretches back over several years with a complete service covering individual product selection and application advice to system integration utilising the Danish motion controls manufacturer’s complete range of products and systems. Mclennan also has distribution partnerships with other selected motion control component and systems manufacturers, and with its own comprehensive design and build service provides stepper and servo motor-based automation solutions from single components to complete mechatronic assemblies. For more details, please contact Mclennan at [email protected], visit www.mclennan.co.uk